A New Traveling Exhibition
organized by the
R & F Fullerton Museum of Art
An installation project organized by the Robert and Francis Fullerton Museum of Art, Cal State University San Bernardino, accompanied by a fully illustrated catalog with three critical essays, artist statement, resume, and bio, and multiple plates.
Please scroll below to view installation views

"Brown Baroque: Objects of Opulence" installation Robert and Frances Museum of Art CSU San Bernardino, 2023

"Brown Baroque: Objects of Opulence" installation Robert and Frances Museum of Art, CSU San Bernardino, 2023

Espejo 50%, 2021 | 22 x 14.5 x 8 in | repurposed antique mirror, bronze colored acrylic mirror, acrylic enamel

Espejo 50%, 2021 | 22 x 14.5 x 8 in | repurposed antique mirror, bronze colored acrylic mirror, acrylic enamel

"Brown Baroque: Objects of Opulence" installation Robert and Frances Museum of Art, CSU San Bernardino, 2023

Life's a Bowl of Cherries, 2022, sculpture (repurposed silver plate punch bowl, artificial cherries, acrylic enamel) 17 x 22" diameter

Beautiful Brown Bouquets, 2022, repurposed antique vase, artificial flowers, gold leaf, acrylic enamel, 30 x 20 x 15in.

Datos Sagrados - 65% of US Latinos were US native born in 2017, 2017, 12 x 12 in.

Datos Sagrados - In 2017 51% of US Latinos self-identified as Democrats, 2017, 12 x 12 in.

"Brown Baroque: Objects of Opulence" installation Robert and Frances Museum of Art, CSU San Bernardino, 2023

You can have your cake and eat it too! 36% of UC entrance were Latinos in 2020, 2021; sculpture (repurposed vintage glass cake platter, printed paper cake, acrylic enamel, artificial cherries) 10.5 x 11 in. diameter

Homage to Octavio Paz de una hija de La Malinche, 2021 | 10 (h) x 12 x 15 in | repurposed antique typewriter, paper, acrylic

Fred and Barney, 2012 Acrylic, repurposed rubber F: 11.5 x 5 x 4.5 in. B: 9.75 x 5 x 5 in.

Big Boy “Muchachote,” 2012 Acrylic, repurposed rubber figurine 8 x 4 x 4 in

El Vis, 2012 Acrylic, 14k gold leaf, pigment print of original painting, repurposed plaster 12.5 x 7.5 x 5.5 in.
The Pilgrims, 2012 Acrylic, repurposed salt and pepper shakers 4 x 2 in. (diameter) each

Venus de Milo I, 2011 Acrylic, repurposed composite figurine 10.5 x 3.25 x 2.75 in.
The Brown Baroque: Objects of Opulence, an installation project twelve years in the making, examines and interprets the politics of color, class, and privilege by appropriating and reconstructing American antique and pop objects to invite the viewer to consider socio-political, socio-culture issues in a space where history, culture, and data interact in an imaginary futurist space. Life-size Victorian interiors are painted in milk-chocolate brown to ask: How are Latinos seen, how do we see ourselves, what is our status in American history? And what are our contributions to American culture and economy?
Exhibition Catalog available in January 2024
with color plates. artist statement, CV, and bio and essays by:
Laura Augusta, curator for the Stanlee & Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, University of Texas at El Paso
Charlene Villaseñor Black, UCLA professor of Chicana/o Studies and Associate Director of the Chicano Studies Research Center (CSRC)
Shana Nys Dambrot, art critic, curator, author, and LA Weekly Arts Editor (FULL ESSAY)
Unique installation project with 50 works including sculpture. painting, and framed works on paper, hand painted backdrops and risers, and text panels and label copy
Space Required: 15 x 45 foot gallery space
Dates Avail: Immediately
Loan Fee: Upon request
Artist Travel, Per Diem & Artist Talk/Panel Honorarium: Exhibitor responsible
Brown Polka-Dot Wall Paper and Risers: Exhibitor and artist collaboration
Wall Text: Completed and available to exhibitor
Pedestals and Vitrines: Exhibitor responsible
Insurance: Exhibitor responsible
Shipping: Exhibitor responsible
Req: Appropriate security, environmental controls
Email: info@a-r-t.com
Tel: 310 397 3098
Digitized ephemera from exhibitions, publications, and special projects, hundreds of art images with details, and a video library.